Preaching: Expository or Text-Driven?
Expository preaching has its proponents and detractors. One only has to read either Haddon Robinson and Jerry Vines or Fred Craddock and...

Keep Swinging
It is the dread of every hitter in baseball-the batting slump. Even the greatest players of all time in the Major Leagues have...

The Pastor's Calling
Travailing in Birth for Souls John Newton What contradictions meet In minister’s employ! It is a bitter sweet, A sorrow full of joy. No...

Sermon Notes or Noteless?
As a preacher, I know from experience how important sermon delivery is in the overall sermon event. How often have I worked hard to...

"We Interrupt This Sermon . . ."
You might recall the lead-in to those annoying interruptions to your television program: "We interrupt this broadcast for an important...

You might recall the Jeff Foxworthy comedy routine: “You might be a redneck if . . .” He would draw out much laughter with his...

Top Ten Books Every Preacher Should Read
John A. Broadus. On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. Vestavia Hills, AL: Solid Ground Christian Books, 2004.
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